After you have done the fundamental work of understanding, then the following tips and tricks may ease your path.
Tip #1: Listen. Much of the time, simply focusing on the other character and listening to what they are saying will help to make your response obvious.
Tip #2: Break the script into logical beats. These can be defined either by emotional or topical shifts. Then focus on each of these by themselves. Each one of these that you tackle will signal progress to yourself and boost your confidence.
Tip #3: Use mnemonic devices. These are ways to associate a line with a thought or pattern that is memorable to you, such as using Roy G. Biv to remember the colors of the rainbow. Another is GOYAKOD, which is a term used in law enforcement to describe a crucial investigative technique. It stands for Get Off Your Ass and Knock on Doors. Silly, right? But that’s why it works. If you’re having difficulty remembering a particular line, come up with a silly or interesting association or acronym, and it will be right there in your mind when you need it.
Tip #4: Write them out. Sometimes the simple act of writing the lines activates a different part of your brain that aids in the memorization process. I don’t know anything about the science behind this, but there are some who say it’s very helpful.
Tip #5: Here’s the boring one: Repetition. I know. It’s not interesting. It’s just hard work. But it gets you there. Here’s the boring one: Repetition. I know. It’s not interesting. It’s just hard work. But it gets you there. Here’s the boring one: Repetition. I know. It’s not interesting. It’s just hard work. But it gets you there. Here’s the boring one: Repetition. I know. It’s not interesting. It’s just hard work. But it gets you there. Here’s the boring one: Repetition. I know. It’s not interesting. It’s just hard work. But it gets you there.
One final observation: Memory is a muscle, and acting class is where you train. Whatever shape you’re in for class, that’s the shape you’ll be in when you go to an audition. If you’ve gotten yourself into peak performance condition, it will be that much easier to master your lines when it matters most. Moreover, being completely on top of your lines time and again for class will go a long way towards calming any nerves you may have for your auditions. You’ll discover a little voice in your head saying, louder and louder, “C’mon. You got this.”